It's Man Camp Time!
When: We will leave town Friday evening from Lakeside, 6pm, October 5th and get back Saturday evening, 9pm, October 6th.
Where: The Pantalena Hunting Property. Approximately 1 hour away.
How much: $15 per person (food for the weekend, activities, and other materials)
Registration: Registration is open. Email Kara at
How will we get there? We will be old schooling it with church vans! (Get excited.) We’ll also have a few guys driving down a little later, so if you need to make other arrangements, contact Kara.
What kind of camping is it? Tent camping. The Cabin will be available if it gets too cold.
Are there bathrooms? Yes.
What will we be doing? Our youth pastor, Ryan, will be leading us in a few Bible Study discussions and prayer times. We will grill our food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Other activities include hiking, boating, field sports, and time to relax.
Do I need to be a member of the student ministry to go? No, but you do need to be a man 
What do I need to bring?
Bug spray1 long sleeve shirt1 pair pants2 shirts1 Rain jacketSwim trunksShoes to hike inShoes you don’t mind getting wet2-3 pairs of socks2-3 pairs of underwear1 sleeping bag/blankets1 flashlight with batteries1 pillow1 foam or air mattress if desired (we should be on flat, but hard ground)1 towelToothbrush/ pasteSoapShampoo (if desired)Camping chair (folds out)1 duffel or back pack to store everything inBible, journal and a penCamping chairCamera (if desired)Electronics (optional)Musical instruments (optional)
Bug spray1 long sleeve shirt1 pair pants2 shirts1 Rain jacketSwim trunksShoes to hike inShoes you don’t mind getting wet2-3 pairs of socks2-3 pairs of underwear1 sleeping bag/blankets1 flashlight with batteries1 pillow1 foam or air mattress if desired (we should be on flat, but hard ground)1 towelToothbrush/ pasteSoapShampoo (if desired)Camping chair (folds out)1 duffel or back pack to store everything inBible, journal and a penCamping chairCamera (if desired)Electronics (optional)Musical instruments (optional)
What if I want to go but can’t afford it? Contact Pastor Ryan.
If you are interested in paying for someone who can’t afford to go, please contact Pastor Ryan.